Michael Bragg

Birmingham, United Kingdom

Work Experience

Thoughts & Ideas

Director of Design and Development

February 2017 - Present Birmingham, United Kingdom

Trinity Mirror

Digital Designer

Given a high degree of autonomy. The Digital Development team is tasked with the delivery of advanced, prototype, and complex projects.
Such as; advanced WordPress websites, dynamic feed based digital adverts, online games, lead-generation landing pages, and internal web applications.
In my role, I presented successful business cases including the introduction of a version control system, automated website deployment and automated quality assurance tests to the department managers and directors.
Customer service and problem-solving play an important role in the position with regional client visits alongside Sales Reps. Visiting key advertisement clients. To help win new work, up-sell current clients, and resolve client issues.
February 2015 - February 2017 Birmingham, United Kingdom

Trinity Mirror

Graphic Designer

Design and development of websites and web applications for internal and external clients.
Highlights include project management of the Holidays-Midlands.com website redesign.
Resulting in a conversion increase of 44% for the first six months using A/B testing and website performance optimisation.
December 2010 - February 2015 Birmingham, United Kingdom


Walsall College

BA (Hons) Visual Communications: Graphic Design

September 2017 - Present Walsall, United Kingdom

Walsall College

HND Graphic Design

September 2004 - July 2006 Walsall, United Kingdom