Martha Gomez

Production Artist

East Los Angeles, CA, USA
I have over 16 years of experience in the newspaper industry laying out and designing newspapers, magazines, media kits, collateral material, logos and much more.

Work Experience

Paramount Publishing Company

Graphic Designer

I design business cards, postcards, media kits, brochures, invitations, NCR forms, write content for websites, media kits and business profiles. Printed work is on, but not limited to card stocks, vinyl banner, window vinyl, yard signs, canvas and perforated window vinyl.
February 2014 - Paramount, California, United States

OurWeekly Los Angeles

Layout Artist

I paginated, laid out, designed and outputted two tabloid newspapers on a weekly basis, a bimonthly health magazine and a biyearly career and education pamphlet. Other responsibilities included, web editor, social media editor, design of media kits, collateral materials, ads and website banner ads, weekly press sheets and archiving editorial and production materials.
November 2004 - November 2013 South Los Angeles, California, United States

Wave Newspapers

Interim Production Manager

As the interim production manager I oversaw the departments’ daily functions and managed a staff of five. I paginated, laid out and outputted nine broadsheet newspapers and two tabloids on a weekly basis. Additionally, I built ads, media kits, collateral material and archived editorial and production materials.
October 1997 - November 2004 South Los Angeles, California, United States


California State University, Los Angeles

Bachelor of Arts, Child Development

September 1994 - September 2007 California, United States


Fashion Design
August 1998 - June 2012 California, United States


English (Native),
Spanish (Native),


Acrobat Distiller, Adforce, AdManagerPro, Aperture, FlightCheck, Gerber Technology, Illustrator, Indesign, Microsoft Office, NewsEditPro, Photoshop, QuarkXpress,