Mary Baum

Creative director, WordPress dev/designer, direct marketer -

St. Louis, MO, USA

Work Experience



Digital tools and more for the tennis industry and people connected to it.
April 2016 - St. Louis, Missouri, United States


Chief Marginhancer

For years I struggled with the business case for branding. Working with small- to medium-sized clients as I have over most of my career, I've used lines like, "It makes you look more credible . . ." ". . . more professional . . ." "You'll have an easier time landing big contracts . . ." and more. But none of those are true business benefits in the way that improved sales is the business benefit of direct marketing. Until it hit me that the tangible benefit of all that looking professional and credible is being able to support your existing pricing - and then being able to raise prices, pretty much at will. Certainly, branding isn't the whole story - the entire brand has to be strong. But if we're to learn anything from the ultimate triumph of Apple as the most valuable company in the world besides Exxon, it's that brand wins. If a company distinguishes itself enough from its competition, it can maintain its price points and its sales, economic realities be whatevered.
2010 - 2011 St Louis, Missouri, United States

Mary Baum Dynamic Targeted Branding


In 2007 I realized my most important successes were branding stories. So I changed my company name from the nebulous Mary Baum Creative Services - what does that mean to a business owner? - to Mary Baum Dynamic Targeted Branding. I discovered businesspeople don't much know what branding is, either. But I had become convinced that marketing was a dirty word to them - something a lot of them didn't want or even want to discuss. So it was a bridge to finding the benefit that's now inherent in the term 'Marginhancers.'
2007 - 2011 St Louis, Missouri, United States


Sam Fox School Of Design & Visual Arts, Washington University


Before computers.
August 1979 - May 1983 St Louis, Missouri, United States

Brown University

I spent two years at Brown before transferring to Washington University. Technically my concentration was semiotics of the visual arts, but I also took two years of calculus. In fact, my second-year math professor was one of the best teachers I ever had. So Scott Adams is wrong at least about me (according to a recent Dilbert strip): I may be a creative person, but I'm also good at math, and I do in fact have analytic skills.
1977 - 1979 Providence, Rhode Island, United States


Css (Fluent),
French (Advanced),
XHTML (Advanced),
Latin (Conversational),
Php (Conversational),


Art Direction, Branding, Client Product Strategy, Copy, Creative Direction, Direct Marketing, DNS Records , Hardware/network Maintenance, Mac Geekery, Marketing Strategy, Motion Graphics , Photography, Print And Web, Public Speaking, Site Setup/maintenance, UX/UI, Videography/production, Web Strategy, Web Typography, Web/WordPress Design, WordPress Child Theme Development,


I speak on WordPress design and web typography at WordCamps around the Midwest and west coasts, so far.

Open source