Marco Ibarra

Senior Product Designer / Brand Strategist

Salt Lake City, UT, USA
I build brands from scratch with agility to adapt in the ever-changing world of the 21st century. I’ve been developing brands for over 5 years and have shared successes with companies of all sizes developing, and deploying customized content for mom-and-pop shops all the way up to multi-million dollar corporations.

I enjoy helping brands and individuals find and connect with their audience to deliver meaningful and targeted experiences.

Work Experience

Rumble Tuff

Senior Designer / Creative Lead

Responsible for rebranding a successful breast pump manufacturing company into an attractive proprietary brand for US audiences including: Brand image, brand identity and tone of voice, product showcasing, product packaging, instructional materials, brand experience, brand photography and video production.
March 2022 - Present

Infinite Digial / Cumulus Media

Sales Designer Lead

Responsible for leading a creative team plan, design and launch digital advertising campaigns thought different mediums.
Main responsibilities: adapt current branding to fit geofenced and targeted, plan and review creative content for different mediums including: Display Ads, Video Ads, Youtube Campaigns, Email, Social Media (FB, Instagram, and Tiktok).
February 2022 - Present Utah, United States

Strut Brands

Art Director / Lead Designer

Served as main creative creating multimedia content for top selling brands in the food and drug industry on Amazon. My duties encompassed directing photography sessions and video productions, creating composite images for product listings, A+ Content, Store Front design and organization.

I also created processes to maintain brand cohesion and standards, creative workflows as well as mentoring and training for Jr. Designers and entry level positions.
August 2018 - February 2022 Utah, United States

Strut Brands

Senior Product Designer

Worked as lead designer for a start-up company developing 3 consumer brands in the food and drug industry. In this position I was in charge of creating product images, product packaging, Amazon A+ Content, Amazon Store Front Content and Social Media Campaigns, as well as printing including preflight processes and production. I also created processes to aid product development move a brand or product concepts into production, from idea conceptualization to launch.
August 2018 - July 2021 Utah, United States

Heritage Type Co.

Brand Ambassador

Represent Heritage Type Co. in a positive light, helping to increase brand awareness and sales through workshops and mentorship .
July 2021 - Germany


Created tailored brand concepts and multimedia collaterals for private clients from a wide range of industries, from consumer products, services and non profit organizations.
United States


Brigham Young University

August 2014 - March 2018 Utah, United States


English (Fluent),
Spanish (Native),
Italian (Conversational),


Amazon Advertising, Blender, Dimension, Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Illustrator, Photoshop, Procreate, Rebelle, WordPress, XD,

Areas of Expertise

Multimedia Art Direction
Content Strategy, Copy, Photography, Film, Location Scouting and Set Creation, Production Design and Post Production.

Graphic Design
Custom Product Images and Composites, Product Listing Content, Communication Design, Logos, Photo Manipulation, Typography, Iconography and Signage.

Research and Audit, Insights, Positioning, Naming, Brand Identity, Tone of Voice, Custom Typography, Brand Collaterals, Brand Experience, Product Design, Packaging, Creative Campaigns and Workshops.

Digital / Web Design / Social Media
Website Design, E-Commerce Experience, Creative Campaigns for Social Media, Performance Reporting and Digital Advertising. Competent in HTML, CSS and JS and familiar with front-end showcasing libraries and frameworks such as Three.js, Anime.js, GSAP.