Justin Mabee のプロファイルバナー
Justin Mabee さんのプロファイル

Justin Mabee

Top Rated Squarespace Web Designer

Justin Mabee Design


Mattapoisett, MA, USA

Justin を採用

Squarespace Website Design

US$3,500 より

The Web Design Process: A flexible, seamless experience from start to finish. I provide a clear process with education along the way to help you navigate the uncharted territory of web design. See the steps below to understand how the process will work when you hire me. Step 1: Free Discovery Call We’ll discuss what’s in store for this new phase of your business. We’ll cover your functionality and design needs, and I’ll answer any of your burning questions. I’ll then send a proposal and contract over to get started. Step 2: Build Out and Execution I’ll choose a design direction that best reflects your style and the needs of your business based on my strategy and expertise. Within a few weeks, your custom Squarespace design will be ready to roll. Step 3: Wrap-Up and Launch You’ll review the final draft of your responsive design, which will be polished on mobile and desktop versions, including tablets and phones. Once you’re satisfied with the design, we’ll go live.

Within 1 month