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Jaherat design

UI/UX & Branding Designer


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Brand Identity Design
Brand Identity Design
Brand Identity Design

À partir de US$850

Our branding identity design service encompasses the creation of a cohesive and impactful visual identity that reflects your brand's essence, values, and personality. A strong brand identity is the foundation for building recognition, trust, and consistency across all your brand's touchpoints. Our team of skilled designers specializes in crafting comprehensive branding solutions that establish a distinct and memorable presence for your brand. Discovery and Research: We begin by delving deep into understanding your brand, its history, goals, target audience, and competitive landscape. This phase sets the stage for creating a unique identity that sets you apart. Brand Strategy: Based on the insights gathered, we develop a strategic brand identity plan. This plan outlines the visual elements, such as logo, colour palette, typography, imagery style, and design principles that will guide the overall identity. Logo Design: Our designers create a logo that serves as the cornerstone of your brand identity. The logo encapsulates your brand's essence and values, designed to be versatile and recognizable across various mediums. Visual Elements: We curate a cohesive visual language that complements the logo. This includes selecting an appropriate color palette, typography that resonates with your brand's tone, and imagery styles that evoke the desired emotions. Collateral Design: We extend the brand identity to various collateral items such as business cards, letterheads, envelopes, and other stationery, ensuring consistency and a professional look. Guidelines Creation: We compile a comprehensive brand guidelines document that outlines how to correctly and consistently use the brand identity. This includes rules for logo usage, colour codes, typography specifications, spacing guidelines, and more. Benefits: Consistency: A strong brand identity ensures consistency across all platforms, enhancing brand recognition and trust. Memorability: Our designs are crafted to leave a lasting impression on your audience, making your brand memorable. Professionalism: Our expert designers create designs that reflect professionalism and credibility, enhancing your brand's reputation. Effective Communication: The carefully curated visual elements effectively communicate your brand's values and messaging.

Within 1-2 weeks

3 concepts, 3 revisions

Website Design
Website Design
Website Design

À partir de US$1,200

Our branding e-commerce website design service is centered around creating visually appealing, user-friendly, and strategically optimized online stores that reflect your brand's identity and drive sales. In the competitive world of online retail, having an e-commerce website that not only showcases your products but also provides a seamless shopping experience is crucial. Our team of skilled designers and developers specialises in crafting e-commerce websites that combine design aesthetics with conversion-focused features, enhancing your brand's online presence and customer engagement. Discovery and Strategy: We initiate the process by gaining an in-depth understanding of your brand, target audience, products, and e-commerce goals. This knowledge guides our strategic approach to the website design. Website Architecture: We plan the website's structure, including categories, product pages, checkout process, and any additional features you require for a smooth shopping experience. Visual Branding: Our designers integrate your brand's visual identity into the website design. This includes elements like colour schemes, typography, imagery, and other design elements that resonate with your brand. Payment and Checkout Integration: We integrate secure payment gateways and optimise the checkout process to minimise friction and increase conversion rates. Launch and Deployment: Once testing is complete and you're satisfied with the website, we launch it on your chosen hosting platform, making it accessible to customers.

Within 1-2 weeks

Packaging Design
Packaging Design
Packaging Design

À partir de US$700

Our branding packaging design service is focused on creating captivating and functional packaging solutions that not only protect your products but also reflect your brand's identity and values. We understand that packaging is a crucial touchpoint for consumers, influencing their purchasing decisions and creating a memorable unboxing experience. Initial Consultation: We initiate the process by understanding your brand's story, target audience, product offerings, and packaging requirements. This information lays the foundation for designing packaging that resonates with your customers. Market Research: Our designers conduct research into your industry, competitors, and current packaging trends. This helps us identify opportunities for differentiation and innovation. Illustrations and Artwork: If needed, we create custom illustrations or artwork that enhance the packaging's visual appeal and tell your brand's story in a unique way. Benefits: Brand Consistency: Packaging design aligns with your brand's visual identity, fostering recognition and trust. Customer Engagement: Thoughtfully designed packaging creates an emotional connection with customers, enhancing the product experience. Differentiation: Unique packaging sets your products apart from competitors and communicates your brand's uniqueness. Functionality: Our designs balance aesthetics with practicality, ensuring that the packaging serves its intended purpose effectively. Market Impact: Well-designed packaging attracts attention on retail shelves and in e-commerce listings, influencing purchasing decisions.

Within 1-2 weeks

3 concepts, 3 revisions

Digital Painting

À partir de US$800

✻ DIGITAL PICHWAI PAINTING OF BEAUTIFUL COWS Size : 20 x 14 Inches Frame : Wood A digital masterpiece, this Pichwai-style painting beautifully captures the harmony between Cows and Flower. This exquisite digital Pichwai painting showcases the revered cows of India in all their splendor. The artist has masterfully blended traditional Pichwai motifs with modern digital artistry to create a visually striking piece. The cows are adorned with ornate jewelry and garlands, set against a backdrop of intricate patterns and vivid colors, invoking a sense of divinity and serenity. Cows of Abundance: This digital Pichwai painting celebrates the sacred and symbolic significance of cows in Indian culture. The artist's digital prowess is evident in the intricate detailing of the cows' ornaments and the lush flora that surrounds them. The vibrant colors and rich textures create a sense of opulence and abundance, symbolizing the prosperity and blessings associated with these beautiful creatures. Get in touch with us for this digital painting related queries. +91 70431 95485

Within 1-2 weeks

Product Photography
Product Photography
Product Photography

À partir de US$550

10-15 Photos with editing

Within 1-2 weeks