Peter Ian Capocao


Manila, Philippines

Born and raised in Manila, Peter Ian Capocao started photography for his college school newspaper. After taking a course in Occupational Therapy, he soon developed a passion for photography.

Nevertheless, the fascination for the human mind inherited from his occupational therapy studies served as inspiration. The combination of his humanism and his prowess in the creative process gave him the specific color that he applies to his photography work. Thus, Peter focuses on human drama photography, which is centered on capturing the feelings and emotions of people in a specific moments, the instant beyond the image. Thus, his art is founded on the humanistic and social interactions of the subject.

He applied this approach to some of his recent works: His most recent vision in "Before the Sunrise", which had as a leitmotiv to shed light on this simple question: Why do people go out? Also, "The Art of Cycling", a photo collection focused on the community and the experiences they had throughout the intense effort of long bicycle riding in the most picturesque landscapes of the Philippines. He was among the sixty artists who participated in an exhibit for Fringe Manila, an organization that seeks to promote the Philippines as an art culture destination for local and international artists.

Peter Ian Capocao's human drama photography aims to understand the importance of small things in real moments. For him, human drama photography as an approach is his way of highlighting what others perceived as unimportant and irrelevant.

Work Experience

Fondo Manila


March 2012 - Present Philippines

Jump Start


2012 - 2013 Manila, Philippines


Digital Photography, Photo Manipulation, Photography,