Grayson Stallings

Yew Wah Education

Shanghai, China

Work Experience

Yew Wah Education

Department Head of Art and Design, Art and Design Teacher

August 2007 - Present Shanghai, China

Shanghai Community Fellowship

Freelance Designer

May 2007 - Present Shanghai, China


Savannah College Of Art And Design (SCAD)

M.A. Design Management

August 2012 - May 2014 Savannah, Georgia, United States

Thomas Edison State College

Bachelors in Humanities

My focus in Humanities was primarily in Communications and Visual Communications.
2004 - 2006 Trenton, New Jersey, United States


English (Native),
Chinese (Beginner),


Photoshop, Ability To Collaborate , Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere, Communication Skills, Conceptual Ability, Drawing Abilities, Fresh/innovative Ideas , Indesign, Keynote , Process Development,