Génesis Bolívar

Graphic Designer. Illustrator. Freelance.

San Diego, Venezuela

Work Experience

Freelance Graphic Designer

Graphic Designer and Illustrator | Freelance

Creation and Design of Covers.
Creation of P.O.P. Material.
February 2018 - Present Venezuela

Guayaba Marketing

Senior Graphic Designer

Co-director and supervisor of the Design Department
Graphic content creator for networks.
Brand creation and design.
Product and packaging design.
Photo editing.
Logo creation.
February 2018 - Present Valencia, Venezuela

Alimentos Molukas

Graphic Designer | Freelance

Content design for networks.
Web page design and layout.
Photo editing.
July 2018 - April 2019 Valencia, Venezuela


Universidad Arturo Michelena

Bachelor of Arts Degree in Graphic Design

September 2013 - February 2018 Venezuela


Technical Certificate of Community Manager

Social Media Marketing Plan.
Content Strategy.
Most used platforms and how to take advantage of them:
Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn and
Basic Metrics and Indicators.
Social Media Crisis Management.
February 2019 - February 2019 Venezuela


Español (Native),
Ingles (Beginner),


Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, After Effects, ClipStudio, Indesign, Lightroom, Premiere,