Büro Destruct's profile

edding 850 Font & Making Of

«An edding can write on anything.» Thanks to the Büro Destruct font «edding 850» it even keeps that promise on your computer. Together with Hamburg based ad agency kempertrautmann & shift this idea is the core of a new campaign «Type-For-Type.com» for the german brand «edding» – famous for their permanent markers.
Our design/development of the font was portrayed by director Kai Sehr well known for his music videos (from Bad Religion to Backstreet Boys…) and commercials. With his documentary «Skateistan» he got highly awarded at film festivals around the globe.

Büro Destruct started scribbling and doodling straight away with countless sheets and letters they abandoned the idea of doing a script they’ve preferred the idea of each letter becoming a logo by itself.
The font evolved from two simple principles, the thick and the thin stroke, the basics of the marker depending on which way you draw, up/down. Ultimately these two stroke weights create a modular system which can be combined to produce most letters. Besides the font, the team also built a web app which is an endless whiteboard following the principle of edding marker – what has been written, can’t be erased.
The Type-for-type web application created in HTML5 allows you contribute something to the collaborative realtime text-editor. Once you’re done, the «edding 850» opentype font is available for download. It comes together with a PDF-magazine that features the most liked designs from the project gallery, basically the blog side of the site, where everybody can upload anything using the font.
JETZT, Süddeutsche Zeitung
PAGE Magazine
edding 850 Font & Making Of


edding 850 Font & Making Of

«An edding can write on anything.» Thanks to the new Büro Destruct font «edding 850» it even keeps that promise on your computer.
