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Sound Education And Social Change

Sound Education and Social Change
One of eight winning projects selected in the Art for Social Change competition conducted by the National Audiovisual Institute as part of the preparations for the European Culture Congress.
The initiative named "Sound education and social change" refers to an educational aspect of the activity of the Foundation for Art and Technology, exemplified by the project "Tiru riru. Sound trip from tradition to avant-garde". "Tiru riru" was realized in the first half of 2011 in Lublin and Warsaw (Zachęta National Gallery of Art) by Catholic Society for People in Need AGAPE, in partnership with Foundation for Art and Technology and the Muzyka Kresów Foundation. Financial support for the project was provided by the Orange Academy. The main aim of the initiative was to enable its participants, namely children from socially disadvantaged environments, to encounter with traditional folk music, as well as with an electro-acoustic and electronic music improvisation. Apart from gaining the basic knowledge about the aforementioned music genres, along with history and psychology of music, children had an opportunity to meet artists and culture researchers, to participate in the construction of instruments and to try their hand at stage performance. The project was also a promotion of these less popular, non-mainstream music genres.
The "Sound education and social change" project, to be executed at the European Culture Congress, includes a series of workshops, which present methods used in the "Tiru Riru" project, and a concert of experimental and improvised music, with participation of artists being involved in the project.
Creators of the project: 
Mateusz Bąkała, Sebastian Mac
Curatated by Jarosław Grzesica
Konrad Chyl, Monika Mamińska-Domagalska, Ewa Grochowska,
Artur Mańka-Chrzanowski aka Vasen Piparjuuri, Krzysztof Orluk, grupa kr39
The project is realized by the Art and Technology Foundation.
Sound Education And Social Change

Project Made For

Sound Education And Social Change

Sound Education and Social Change. Key visual, posters, roll-ups, flyers, brochures, cd cover.
