Inspired by minimal movie posters I made this minimalist collection. The main goal was to simplify the main characteristics of the XX century masters of architecture.
The project has been published on IdN v18n4, International designer Network (Honk Kong, 2011) and Echoes of the Future, Gestalten (Berlin, 2012).
Frank Lloyd Wright | Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York
Walter Gropius | Bauhaus School and Faculty, Dessau
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe | German Universal Exposition Pavilion, Barcelona
Le Corbusier | Notre Dame du Haut, Ronchamp
Alvar Aalto | University School of Science and Technology, Helsinki
Louis Kahn | National Assembly Building of Bangladesh, Dhaka
Six Architects

Six Architects

Six minimal posters inspired by the greatest architects of the '900.
