Radical B&W

The more you listen to the news, the less informed you are.

Radical B&W is one of my very first attempts at creating entirely synthetic images through programming. 
My goal with this body of work was to generate images that frustrate the mind's compulsive need to find and/or assign reason and meaning to the world.
C-prints, size: 300x100 cm.
RB&W  #1
RB&W  #3
RB&W  #4
RB&W  #5
RB&W  #6
RB&W  #7
RB&W  #9
RB&W  #10
RB&W  #11
RB&W  #12
RB&W  #13
RB&W  #14
RB&W  #15
RB&W  #16
Radical B&W

Radical B&W

Large black & white C-prints with random compositions of procedurally generated textures.
