Poster for Saraswati Puja at NID.
Poster for Saraswati Puja at NID
We had a workshop with Mr. Rjesh Dahiya and Mr. Vivek Sadamate, where each one of us had to chose a song from a given list. I chose Mozart's "A little night music". Then we were given a brief to write hundred words about the song, title it in a word & one line heading; And find an appropriate object to add meaning to our write up; And finally compose a promotional poster for the same. The word I chose was contrast and the one line heading was "the clock plays its own game".
The write up goes like this: 
Mozart's ' A little night music' gives the feeling of how we perceive time at different moments though the clock runs at its own pace. In our regular life we do the same set of activities everyday but there are days when we feel that the hands of the clock would just not move. It seems as if the clock is playing its own game of testing our patience. Then again there are days when we feel that the hands are almost racing amongst themselves. It is as if they've forgotten their whole purpose of existence. Aren't they supposed to show us the correct  time and not disappoint us by 'running out of time'? This piece of music makes you feel that there are so many things to do, so many things to see but again its playing its own game and enjoying by constantly racing with us. 
So in the poster I used thick and thin lines and black and white to show contrast. The thick curvy lines and the thin straight lines also suggests slow and fast respectively. 


poster that I've created for various purposes.
