Furniture Design
Becker Contest International Design Competition Entry
Collaboration with Ben Scholten and Jason Norris
Versatility and simplicity are the drivers of this furniture design. Minimal pieces are provided that can resolve in a multiplicity of combinations; they can either create space or be created by a space.
Versatility: The side track provides versatility for the units, acting as both a transforming and connecting element. The track may be utilized by cushions to provide comfort or shelves to provide functionality: both fully adjustable for greatest flexibility and personalization. The track can also connect separate units: connector pieces allow units to either stack or expand.
Simplicity: The simple form provides many benefits: it aids the versatility by allowing repeated modules to stack and join while allowing the users to define its function(s), results in a greater ease of production, and is transportable to different environments.

Operable Seating

Operable Seating

Versatility and simplicity are the drivers of this furniture design. Minimal pieces are provided that can resolve in a multiplicity of combinatio Read More
