This student project is a cereal bag design for a 5th grade target demographic. My class conducted group studies of 5th graders to learn about their preferences and favorite cereal box designs. I created the name Nom-Os for my cereal, which is intended to be a healthy and fun choice for both children and parents alike. I also created the Nom-Monster as a fun and ethnic character for the children. He incorporates bright colors to please the tastes of the children, while introducing mayan aesthetics and patterns to provide them with new and interesting imagery. 
The package is a re-sealable bag for ease-of-use and to conserve materials. The back of the package includes a "create your own Nom-Monster" that invites children to interact with the packaging, and exercise their creativity in the morning, or whenever they chose to snack on Nom-Os.


Package design for a re-sealable bag of Nom-Os cereal
