SI THU AUNG's profile

Matte Painting

Digital Art
Matte Painting
I really interested in matte painting and I always try to draw.... but I feel like
all my matte painting is still in beginner stage :)
 The Year of Dragon
Rivendell - The Home of Elves.
(Inspired concept art of The Hobbit)

This concept artwork inspired by the movie "The Hobbit". Last week, I go to watch the famous director Peter Jackson's "The Hobbit".The movie is amazing and I believe "The Hobbit" will be one of most favorite stories for audience, like "Lord of the Rings".

This artwork is probably not as awesome looking as the scenes will be in the movie but I’m pretty happy with the results. I also felt this would give me a good chance to practice some matte painting too. I hope you enjoy the view as much as I do.

Photo refs from &
 Hidden City
Burmese Power Collector
 Ayeyarwaddy (Imagine if we have no ayeyarwaddy)
Matte Painting

Matte Painting

Matte Painting Collections 2012 -2013
