Anne Grön's profile

Lil' ones, few guys and some more.

Character Design
Lil' ones, few guys and some more.
Character Design for "Translating Humboldt"
Translating Humboldt is a collaboration amongst the Meininger hotel group and DaWanda.The house where Humboldt – an important German scientist – has been born and died Meininger opened a youth hostel. All members of DaWanda were asked to take part at the competition to translate quotations of Humboldt into funny and entertaining wallpaper designs.

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The Quotation: Nr. 10 – Indem wir die Einheit des Menschengeschlechts behaupten,
widerstreben wir auch jeder unerfreulichen Annahme von höheren
und niederen Menschenrassen. Es gibt bildsamere, höhergebildete, durch
geistige Kultur veredelte, aber keine edleren Volksstämme. Alle sind gleichmäßig
zur Freiheit bestimmt. >Kosmos<, Band 1, 1845
Lil' ones, few guys and some more.

Lil' ones, few guys and some more.

"Translatin Humboldt" is a collaboration amongst the Meininger hotel group and DaWanda. In the house where Humboldt – an important German scienti Read More
