Sebastian Deredas's profilePaweł Szkudlarek's profile


"As we learn from the stories, once Kuba armed with knowledge about the relation between the length of palm lines and the length of human life, he decided to take care of his fate. Using a shard of glass, he extended, significantly, the lines of life, happiness and wealth, as well as the line responsible for paranormal abilities."
Andrzej Pilipiuk, Weźmisz czarno kure...
"Lifeline" is an animated movie showing dramatic attempt to takeover control over own life and consequences related with that. Man seeing benefits in something, stop seeing boundaries. Thereby may be in too deep and his actions may have an irreversible effect...


"Lifeline" is an animated movie showing dramatic attempt to takeover control over own life and consequences related with that. Man seeing benefit Read More
