Kako da... | How to...
Uputstvo za zeleno {pre}vaspitavanje odraslih.  |  Instructions on how to educate elders to think green.
A book designed for high school kids with aim to instruct them on how to make presentations, school plays or create workshops and other similar activities, all in fields of ecology and environmental protection, in order to initiate greener thinking amongst their parents, teachers and other elders in their community. There are seven 'how to' chapters divided in folders, so that every chapter can be separated from the rest of the book and still remain in unity. Whole book fits in a bag made of reused materials, previously printed awnings used for fair stands.
Awnings we used to make bags from, were designed for this fair stand a year before.
some of the home pages for chapters...
project done while at Kitchen&GoodWolf
client / City Administration for Environmental Protection, City of Novi Sad
How To...


How To...

Instruction book for high school kids on how to educate elders in field of green thinking and acting.
