GP wines by the Labelmaker

GP wines by the Labelmaker
for Black Sea Gold - Pomorie
Here are several photos of one of my latest designs for Black Sea Gold - Pomorie - the GP wine range.
Currentlly represented by two wines - still one to come - Cabernet Sauvignon 2008.
The GP wines are positioned at the top-premium wines of national market and my brand new design replaces the existing one created over 5 years ago. The brand name GP comes from Grand Prix and it is solely used only for the top wines of the cellar which have turned into wine icons of Bulgaria.

Client - Black Sea Gold
Custom Lettering - the Fontmaker
Graphic Design - the Labelmaker
Print - Rotoprint
Photography - Jordan Jelev
GP wines by the Labelmaker

GP wines by the Labelmaker

The GP wine range designed by the Labelmaker, 2011
