Christia Fung's profile

Fail Bot

Toy Design
Fail Bot
Sustainable Bandage Package Design
Fail Bot is a package design that links profanity with bandages because when people get hurt, the first thing they do is swear out loud. According to studies, swearing actually eases pain.

Within the main container are multiple containers that holds specific size of bandages. Each size of bandage is represented by a swear word, where the bigger the bandage, the more intense the swear word. To make the package more relatable, every bandage wrapper contains a story as of how the user might have gotten hurt. 

As for sustainability, the package design is made of paper, and no glue was used. Additionally, when the user is done with all the bandages, he/she can build a robot. Each package set allows the user to build one robot (the robot template is printed at the back of the individual bandage boxes). So the package itself becomes a collectable paper toy.
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Fail Bot


Fail Bot

Fail Bot: Sustainable Bandage Package Design
