DCWeek 2011
Poster Design, Badge Design, Collateral
These are pieces I designed for DCWeek 2012, an event held in Washington D.C. The event focuses on bringing various people together, ranging from Designers to Entrepreneurs. At the time, I was a Graphic Design intern for iStrategyLabs and my responsibilities were to create collateral around the DCWeek brand that would make a bold statement while staying true to the CMYK color scheme. 

Designed at iStrategylabs in Washington D.C.
 A poster designed for the Opening Party for DCWeek 2012. I had a lot of fun utilizing the idea of drawing inspiration from historical figures and giving them a modern interpretation. 
 I designed 2 of 4 posters that were hung up at Artisphere during DCWeek's biggest event. The poster on the left was designed by our creative director, Zach Goodwin, which was paired up with the chosen designs on the right. I focused on using the DCWeek icons in a different way to create interesting patterns. 
 This is the second poster that was chosen to be hung up along the black poster. I was going for something simple, yet bold and dynamic at the same time. 
 This is the front of the DCWeek badges. 
DCWeek 2011

DCWeek 2011

Various collateral designed for DCWeek 2011.
