“Cuarto Creciente, 25 years of design in Valencia” is a documentary film about design in the Region of Valencia to mark the 25th anniversary of ADCV. The video starts with the creation of the Designers’ Association of the Valencia Region (ADCV) and weaves its way through the history of a profession that has marked numerous generations, using different testimonies and first-hand accounts. The documentary features professionals such as Nacho Lavernia, Pepe Gimeno, Nacho Gómez-Trenor, Elisa Talens, Raúl Ferris, Víctor Arráez, David Ortiz, members of the CuldeSac and Néctar design studios, as well as individuals beyond the borders of the Region of Valencia, such as the designer-architect Juli Capella and the director of the magazine Experimenta, Pierluigi Cattermole. The documentary film was released on Thursday, 15 September 2011.
+info: Estudio Menta
You can see the complete film here with english subtitles:
Cuarto Creciente

Cuarto Creciente

“Cuarto Creciente” is a documentary film that offers a inside vision of the evolution of design in the Region of Valencia over the last 25 years. Read More
