Atlantic City
I saw Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining" at 7 years old, probably way too young to be exposed to the subject matter, but what stood out to me more than the violence, was the way Kubrick used imagery, it blew my mind, and was the catalyst for me becoming interested in photography. The use of the wide angle lense, leading lines, very symmetrically composed shots that created a feeling of isolation and impending doom. Of course I later watched all of his films, and picked up the camera after I graduated high school, and began experimenting. I've been shooting for 20 years now, and I still site Kubrick as one of my main influences. I currently shoot with the Canon 5D, Mark II, and I try to shoot in manual mode as often as I can. I don't think you can do a location justice by walking in there and blasting everything with a flash. I try to capture what the eye sees as closely as possible so the director gets a true representation of what the location is. I do minimal editing, just to correct for exposure, and that's about it. 
Atlantic City

Atlantic City

Scouting photographs for Atlantic City Tourism.


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