+Name: A love tale: "No Idea"
 +Theme: Fairy Tales - When Architecture Tells a Story.
Fairy Tales is an open, international, ideas competition that challenges creatives from all professional realms to develop visionary, narrative based design proposals.
+Aim: "Once upon a time, Architecture was at the forefront of social innovation, addressing issues that the entire society felt were worth finding creative solutions for. A curse was then cast on Architecture: the Evil Witch of Banality tricked the architects into believing that their ideas were worthless, that society didn’t care about them, and that the only way to advance their projects was to produce vacuous glitzy renderings. Only those would lure developers into financing projects, and publications into publishing them. You are the hero that is being given the chance to battle the Evil Witch of Banality. Your magic power is Creativity. Your ace in the hole is Good Communication. Will you accept the call to this epic battle?
We’d like you to rewrite the way architecture communicates itself to the world, and to do so in the most unconventional way." - Blank Space.
+With: Irina Stefanovska & Hristina Stojcevska

                                                                                  A love tale: 
                                                                                    "No Idea"
Once upon a time in a Brain close, close by, lived Thought. Brain was a kingdom of open, clear spaces, where freedom of creativity, expression and intuition ruled. With careless spirit, Thought played throughout the limitless horizons of his home. Miles and miles Thought passed, gathering power to perceive, learning how to express his thoughts. Time passed and Thought grew bigger and stronger. He had mastered the art of perception, but had not created yet. He was missing something.
Thought had no Idea! Thought needed Idea! Thought was ready to create!
Meanwhile, in the nearby town of Brain, lived Idea. She was a strong little girl, with sparking ideas.  Idea sparked at moments, at moments turned off. She was seeking for continuity, something that would give her flowing motion and power of realization.  She needed Thought. She hoped that thought would find her and they would start their journey of creation together.
One clear day, empty canvas above, empty canvas beyond, Thought started to look for his missing piece. He would start thinking, something out in the distance would start sparking. One thought, one spark. Thought started running, Idea started sparking. He found her. She found him. They were one. The power of creation was in their hands. She was Idea. He was Thought. They were unstoppable together. Thought and Idea could do the unthinkable and imagine the unimaginable. Their creations flowed effortlessly and saw no boundary.
Their travels went round and round, up high and down low, with such vibrancy and color. Thought would think, Idea would spark, fantasy would role, creation spread. Endless was their power. 
One day they saw something they had never created before, it did not come from their fantasy, it appeared as if from nowhere. It was just sitting silently on its own. Thought and Idea curiously stared at the thing. As they got close, it cracked open. Particles of influence exploded into the brain-o-sphere!  Information, trends, commercials, media, messages, shapes, colors, faces… burst out! 
Influenc-a was born! Influenc-a was powerful! Influenc-a took over Brain!
There were no clear spaces left. Blur conquered. Purity was gone. Thought and Idea were drowning in the influences created by Influenc-a. One swift motion was enough to change Thoughts life forever. Influenc-a had captured Idea.
Thought was alone. Thought was scared. Thought lost his power, his Idea was gone.
Thought thought: “Who am I?”, “What is my purpose”, “Have I forgotten how to play”, and “Where is Idea?” “How did I lose her?”
Thought was weak without his Idea. Influenc-as contagious influence had manipulated his memories, had recreated ThoughtInfluenc-a spoiled Thoughts purity with irresistible gifts of glory, fame, power. Thought didn’t give in, he fought not to forget who he is and what Idea meant to him. Thought thought about his childhood memories, regained power and shot himself out of the brain realm. 
Thought started his creative quest. He knew Idea was out there and that gave him the drive and energy to create. He had to find out how to create on his own. He had to. The more he created, the closer he came to Influenc-a and his beloved Idea. He began creating from the beginning.
Thought created the horizontal, the vertical, space, direction, function, creating the path to Idea. He fought his influenced thoughts, and struggled to create an uninfluenced world. Fantasy and Influenc-a were mashed together. Thought couldn’t distinguish one from the other, but he did not quit. Influenc-a had weaknesses and he had to find them. 
Can Thought select certain information and influence Influenc-as influence?
Can Thought choose and use Influenc-a in his own creation?
Can he get creative with Influenc-a?
Influenc-a has a weakness, she can inspire”- thought Thought. “If only she was clearly determined as influence, she can become an inspiration for my imagination”.
Wherever Influenc-a went, Thought followed. Every influence Influenc-a left, Thought would discover, give a new twist to, and convert and recreate into something uncreated before.  Every pure creation, with a child like sensibility, ate off the power of Influenc-a. The aesthetical energy of Thought grew stronger, the influence of Influenc-a grew weaker. He could almost feel Idea.
Thought and Idea could feel their creative energies bonding. Their presence was strong. Influenc-as energy was frail. She let go, and started to deteriorate. She fused into one undefined influence and lost control over Idea, lost control over Thought.
Clearness replaced blur, pureness replaced influence. Imagination bloomed, fantasy ruled once again. Brain was free from control, and inspired by history. Thought and Idea were rejoined and were now indestructible, with passion to conquer, passion to create. No ignorance- no imitation, no control- no limitation. Thought and Idea were free once again.
Thought and Idea created happily ever after.
                                                                                     THE END
A love tale

A love tale

A story about The Architect's brain.
