This is a chronicle of two sisters dying, tied to beds in a small apartment separated in two rooms, for more than ten years. One is my mother in law, and the other is her sister. I and my wife took care of them in their last years. There are no magic photography tricks in this project. No hidden intellectual concepts or composition virtue. I visited these women, feed them, talked to them, day after day, for more than five years. They never left the apartment except for a few times for visiting the doctor. Photographing was my way of recording this process, coping with my own demons of getting old and dying. When I studied the masters of photography, many of them say " Look around you". And I looked. And I saw aging, decay, and death. I saw pain and sorrow, but also a will to live for just one more day. That was around me. So I recorded it, the best I could. 
"What do we say to death? Not today."
Thank you.
Last Days On Earth

Last Days On Earth


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