Profil Jason Damo

Performing Within Your Lactate Threshold

Based in Pittsburgh, Jason Damon is a trader who focuses on buying and selling futures contracts. Outside of work, Jason Damon enjoys exploring the greater Pittsburgh area on foot and bike, as well as by water as he trains for triathlons. A true test of endurance and athletic skills, a triathlon involves segments of running, swimming, and cycling.

On the day of a triathlon, individuals should ensure that they do not go over their lactate threshold. Lactate builds up in the body as individuals exercise their muscles. People generally have a good sense of their lactate threshold due to their training. The definition of lactate threshold is the intensity that can be maintained for about one hour of strenuous exercise. When people cross their lactate threshold, their bodies begin anaerobic metabolism, which requires a period of recovery and reduces efficiency by depleting glycogen stores.

For a triathlon, pacing is extremely important. Individuals should start at a moderate pace and gently increase intensity over time to avoid fading toward the end of the course. Olympic athletes or those who focus on short courses often perform well above their lactate threshold, but doing so will put the typical triathlete at a significant disadvantage.
Performing Within Your Lactate Threshold

Performing Within Your Lactate Threshold


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