Paper Work
Paper Works

Paper Work

Barcelona, 2020
Personal Project, Illustration

Red square on a blue triangle. Yellow circle over a grey rectangle. Paper Work is an alphabet book consisting of 36 hand-made creative and artistic booklets of tear-out papers. It’s a tribute to the work of Bruno Munari and inspired by his Libri Illegibili series, which plays with cut coloured sheets.

Throughout the pages, the letters and numbers unveil themselves with shapes and colours, as lines and curves interact with each other. The characters appear and disappear in the succession and superposition of cut-out sheets, “writing” themselves with simple geometric forms. The ensemble comes together to compose an alphabet made of a variation of 7 vivid and bold tones.

A book with no words, we guess and create each letter and number. It is not meant to be read, but to be seen, felt and interacted with. Paper Work is a typographical experimentation. Looking for harmony and rhythm within basic geometry to design letters and numbers, and to rediscover the type as choice of colour used for each part of the character influences its clarity. By manipulating shades and minimal forms, we visually explore the limits of legibility. Combining colour, paper, handcraft and typography, this artist’s book symbolises the essence of what we love and aim to do at VELKRO.

Photography Leo García Mendez

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Paper Work

Paper Work

Red square on a blue triangle. Yellow circle over a grey rectangle. Paper Work is an alphabet book consisting of 36 hand-made creative and artist Rozwiń
