© Kathy Williams. All Rights Reserved.
As a war-hero tribute to my father I have designed a sterling silver teapot titled “Attention!” This work incorporates the dichotomy of a war veteran re-entering life back home. It appears as a military tank, lumbering and awkward. When lifted from the rear, it rocks forward on its treads and tea pours from its gun. I’ll riveted lacey silver adornments onto the tank in various locations. Along the treads, I embossed words from letters written to my mother, while my father was fighting in France and Germany. The hatch is part tank/part tea-party hat with metal rivets and silver flowers. My hope is this piece will, at least, be a reminder that our returning soldiers are traumatized victims of war, and possibly, inspire more awareness of military demands and subsequent neglect.
© Kathy Williams. All Rights Reserved.
© Kathy Williams. All Rights Reserved.
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