At the beginning of lock down, around March 2020, I attempted my first large canvas gouache painting, focusing the subject on the cause of our social distancing lock down. At the time of working on this piece I wasn’t sure if sharing it in public would be an appropriate. After a few months of dithering I have decided to share this work.
I started this piece working out the composition and color pallet on my iPad in Procreate and once I landed on a pallet that worked with my available gouache I started the process of transferring the work to canvas.
As this was my first-time painting with gouache on canvas I wasn’t entirely sure how it would reacted to my undercoat of gesso on this old canvas.
I knew I wanted to represent the virus has I had seen it many times in the news, but I also wanted the piece to seem almost 3D as you walked up to it. I ended up going with a sickly greenish yellow color pallet to add to the emotional feel of queasiness.

