Profiel van Keith Orie

Keith Orie: Ways to Get Over the Urge to Procrastinate

Keith Orie: 9 Ways to Get Over the Urge to Procrastinate

Originally published on

For many professionals, procrastination is a productivity and career killer. This makes it important for people to have ways to resist the urge to put work off. This article outlines some easy strategies individuals can use to stay on task. Keith Orie is an entrepreneur and businessman and the below methods are tried and true for his own business success.
Make a To-Do List:
If you have a long list of things to do, it's easy to get overwhelmed with stress and want to put it off indefinitely. Making a to-do list will streamline the process, plus there is great satisfaction in checking off items from the list and that will serve as motivation.

Eliminate Distractions:
If you are watching TV while your to-do list sits in the other room, it's easy to think "one more episode" or even get pulled in to the TV while working on your tasks. Turn the TV off, put your phone on silent, and find a quiet area so that you can focus on the task at hand and get some items checked off from your to-do list faster.

Stop Saying "Tomorrow":
As the saying goes, "Don't put off to tomorrow what can be done today." Stop putting things off until tomorrow because tomorrow always comes and it's never any harder to just say "tomorrow" again. Why not just get something done now? When you start making a habit of doing what you don't feel like doing, it gets easier and easier much quicker than expected to continue.

Finish What You Start:
Once you get started, don't quit halfway through. You've already done the hard part which is getting started. Keep that momentum going and get the task completed without distractions! It will feel great to check the task off your to-do list.

Look for Inspiration:
Read articles like this one, listen to podcasts, or talk to people you admire about how they stay motivated. Like it or not, the people that you surround yourself with have a great influence on yourself. Be sure to cut back on spending time with friends who lack motivation themselves because they will keep you from growing.

Treat Yourself:
Remember when your mom used to bribe you with a treat? It worked, didn't it? Tell yourself once you complete your tasks you can go to your favorite restaurant, or watch a new episode of your favorite show. But only after the task is completed. You'll be shocked at how fast you get it done when a little motivation lies ahead.

Don't Take on Too Much:
The reason that you are procrastinating could be because your to-do list is simply too big and you are feeling overwhelmed. Try to not take on too many big projects at once because you want to be able to focus and not feel like the task is daunting.

Take a Break:
If you're working on a large task and are starting to feel burnt out, it's okay to take a break. Make sure you limit your break to 15 minutes and don't start a new episode or something that is going to distract you. Get some water, a snack, or go outside for some fresh air and get re-energized to finish your task.

Set Milestones:
If you are working on a huge project, break it up into milestones. This way it doesn't seem like an impossible task. Hitting the milestones will motivate you to keep going. Think about the satisfaction that will come from knocking down each of those milestones.

Procrastination is something that most of us struggle with. It's a real buzzkill when it comes to efficiency and productivity. As an entrepreneur, the tips found here, if applied correctly, will have a serious positive influence on your daily life.
Keith Orie: Ways to Get Over the Urge to Procrastinate

Keith Orie: Ways to Get Over the Urge to Procrastinate


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