Profilo di Roman GavriushProfilo di LenkQ Koshliatska UI/UX Design + Illustrations is software that helps hiring managers become gurus.
Use our tool to find candidates in huge database, automate boring routine, track progress, and build team rapport.
Application include big but simple structure with databases of candidates, automation Candidate outreach, unique matching algorithm to find relevant candidates, a lot of base needed features, like posting vacancy, creating/editing candidates, search filters, different manipulations with company recruiters, subscriptions, calendars, reports and much more)
What makes digital product live? Colours, illustrations, realistic photos, animations, interactive elements and some other features. We decide be colourful, be live for our user by using unique illustrations drawn in modern style with all modern staff which we using every day on our job, some working process situations, real live sketches. 
So we made 20+ Unique Illustrations! UI/UX Design + Illustrations
Pubblicato: UI/UX Design + Illustrations
