Profil appartenant à Vivian Li

King Henry VIII Poster

This project was done at the Drexel University Graphic Design Summer Program, where we chose a famous person out of a hat and made a poster for them. This included a lot of research on said person, and through mine, I found that Henry called his subjects "well-beloved," ironic because of the less-than-perfect reviews of him. I decided to put these reviews above his head as scanned paper cutouts, and used the juxtaposition between their words and his words as the main point of this poster. It was funny using my rather modern design style to reflect a figure of history centuries ago, and I especially am glad that I put 8 in such a modern font in the background. The blue color also helps to make the orange pop, and brings out the figure in the front.
King Henry VIII Poster
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King Henry VIII Poster

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