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Go Pro - Iron Man

Go Pro
‘Iron Man’
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Opens on Tony Stark turning on a shoulder mounted Go Pro camera, his hands severely obstruct the view of the camera as he turns it on. He removes his hands revealing he is standing in a lab in front of his suit. Tony looks slightly up at the camera gives his signature pursing of the lips on just one side of his mouth looking thoughtfully at the suit for a second. He speaks, almost absentmindedly.
Tony: Mark 43, flight test 3.

The shoulder mounted camera cuts to tony backing into the suit, which we cannot see clearly but the suit seems to envelope him. Tony starts moving around in his Iron Man suit. The Go Pro's massive viewing angle means we can see some of the helmet from where it is mounted. The head turns to the right, facing the camera and the suit begins to turn. As it turns we see one side of the lab is completely open to the New York skyline. Tony stops just before the edge of the lab, and ignites the propulsion system in the suit. The camera jerks as everything begins moving.

Change shot to Go Pro attached to the left shin of the armor, viewing down toward the ground on the back of the leg. We see the fire spewing from the bottom of the boot and the ground moving away. After the suit has gained a few feet in altitude it starts moving forward and levels out. As the suit leaves and the view of the camera levels out we see the Stark Industries logo on the side of the Stark Tower in New York City.  

Perspective shifts to a back mounted Go Pro facing forward where we see him bank left weaving through buildings. Tony changes direction and shoots toward the coast.

Stark banks up quickly gaining altitude, the view shifts to a chest mounted camera pointing toward his feet as he becomes completely vertical. Suddenly the view is obstructed by clouds. When Tony emerges from the clouds the view has shifted to the shoulder mounted camera again.
Tony stops ascending and hangs above the clouds. Ahead of him is nothing but big white fluffy clouds in a flat line. From the corner of the camera we see him turning his head to take it all in. He then lifts his arms, and examines them, like he's thinking about part of the flight test.

The view shifts to the back camera as he begins to move forward and shift horizontally again. Ahead we see the Avenger's Helicarrier far off in the distance, as soon as it comes into view Tony banks sharp left to avoid it. 

The view shifts back to the camera on his leg. Behind him we see clouds disrupted by his jet stream. Clouds become more intermittent and we see New York below him once again, this time far below. 

The view switches back to the back camera and suddenly Tony's arms fly forward as he stops the forward movement of the suit. We see the clouds shoot past Tony as he enters free fall toward New York city.

The camera shifts to the beginning shoulder cam. We see the city approaching at a very rapid pace now. The Stark Tower is directly below Tony and is approaching rapidly. As it gets closer we see what appears to be a landing pad removed slightly from the rest of the building and it appears to be the intended landing point.
Just before impact Tony makes the suit vertical once again and powers up his thrusters to slow his descent and still lands very jarringly. Tony ends up losing his balance and rolling onto the floor. The shoulder mounted camera goes flying off his suit and rolls across the floor facing the ceiling. Suddenly one of Tony's somewhat trusty arm robots appears in the shot and picks the camera up. The robot aims the camera at the Iron Man suit, lying with its back on the ground.
Tony opens the suit and climbs out while it is still lying on the ground. He walks toward the camera being held by the robot while brushing himself off and stretching his jaw. Tony looks slightly off camera at the robot.
Tony: Give me the camera.
No movement from the robot, which leads to an annoyed look on Tony's face. He reaches for the camera, but the robot moves up and out of the way, keeping the camera on Tony. Tony sighs, and jumps up, grabbing the camera. He snorts at the robot.
Tony: it's not too late to donate you to a community college.
Tony looks into the camera.
Tony: Mark 43 test 5 successful, Iron Man is back.
Tony then smirks and shuts the camera off. Cut to black.
Super: Be a Hero
Logo: Go Pro
Art Card: Avengers 2 – 5/1/15
Go Pro - Iron Man

Go Pro - Iron Man

An idea for mashing up the Marvel Universe with Go Pro. The idea came from watching some of the Go Pro videos and then wondering what would happe Read More



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