Richard Lu sin profil

COVID At-Risk Community Delivery App

COVID Community Deliveries
Helping at-risk populations in a time of crisis.

XD Daily Creative Challenge (6/22/20 – 6/26/20) // Challenge 01: Galleries
Prompt: Today’s task is to design a mobile app that contains several galleries of cards or photos. Use Scroll Groups to add interactivity.

The COVID-19 pandemic has made it difficult for communities around the globe, such as the elderly and disabled, to carry out everyday tasks.

I designed an app that connects members of these at-risk populations to couriers who can help with essential delivery tasks like shopping for groceries, picking up medication, and doing laundry.

This was inspired by volunteer-run efforts to do deliveries for elderly, disabled, and other at-risk groups. I admire their selfless commitment to their communities' collective well-being.

Design considerations:
Component thinking: I'm always working on building UI designs starting with an understanding of the basic components. The cards are the main example here.
Card designs: Cards are surprisingly complex and I'm still working on getting not just their visual design, but their purpose down right.
IA: Much of the content is overly simplistic, so this is mostly a demo of the scrolling groups and overall app idea. In a longer project I would love to whittle down the exact needs of the users, and by extension, the right services and goods to list.
COVID At-Risk Community Delivery App


COVID At-Risk Community Delivery App



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