2020 GIORNI CON TE 2020 days with me
I don't know where my road is going, but I know that I walk better when I hold your hand.

A project very dare to my heart; It's a special handwritten, calligraphic journal which I created from scratch. I developed the whole concept, the design, the layouts, the printing process and i also took care of the final advertising through my social media + website

The word journal is certainly repetitive, but to summarize the whole concept better: 
It's a collection of beauty and positivity.
 A motivational journal full of positive words to cheer one up on those down days.

In this journal I tell the story about my journey with you. I talk about the bond that unites us and makes us free at the same time, of the distance that brings us closer despite being physically distant, of our personal growth as individuals and as a couple where every day we learn to love a little more ourselves, as a gift to the other. That's the reason why I chose this title- #2020dayswithyou. 

True love comes within ourselves first and we all do deserve to be happy.
I believe that the key for a happy and healthy relationship is to support and encourage 
our partner by relieving him/her of the responsibility of making us happy and making us feel truly complete because we already are.

Each month has a calligraphic quote thought and handwritten by me. 
I always start sketches with pen + paper and then transferred to my laptop.​​​​​​​
Illustration by Giulia Tamiello
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