2012 - Sansavenir. Libro Bianco su Taranto

Graphic design, art direction: A. Busi, F. Conti Picamus, R. Cramarossa, G. Fanecco,
R. Zecchini, T. Zennaro
Photographer: Pierangelo Laterza
Developed at: ISIA, Urbino
Supervisor: Mauro Bubbico
Year: 2013
Script used to increment the text size, written using basil.js, a javascript library for Adobe InDesign.
Processing application used to glitch and distort images, Glitch Sort by Paul Hertz
2012 - Sansavenir. Libro Bianco su Taranto

2012 - Sansavenir. Libro Bianco su Taranto

A book to illustrate the critical story of Ilva Taranto. Together with photographer Pierangelo Laterza and supervised by Mauro Bubbico we designe Læs mere
