Smart, intuitive and global

Making our clients more efficient is one of the key success factors of deerstreet. Usually, we design productivity tools to ensure that.
But with the adidas room control app we went a step further. Because even the best productivity tool will not help you when you're spending too much time in meetings.

And everybody knows that sometimes, the worst part of meetings is the setup of the room itself.
Control assistant

The adidas room control app is an intuitive and easy-to-use tool to control media, light, temperature and much more. It's always available without distracting you from your meeting.
S C A L A B I L I T Y​​​​​​​
adidas meeting rooms come in all shapes and sizes. The CEO's meeting room and a meeting room in a forgotten corner of the IT department have nothing in common. We have therefore built the app with the most scalable UI component: a list.
But to make sure it doesn't feel like a spreadsheet, we enhanced the UX through lightweight animations of the selected scenery.

F I R S T   T O U C H
We designed the application in a way everybody can control the key components without diving deep into the tool. Mute, volume control and on/off are always available, so nobody needs to listen to the Backstreet Boys when a laptop is connected.​​​​​​​
Room Control I Adidas

Room Control I Adidas
