What Is Holistic Therapy and How Can It Help?
Top Tips for Holistic Living

The subject matter in my tips may appear to be general knowledge and common sense, but outlining them here could provide a starting point to allow you to begin your journey for Holistic Living. You should be able to implement a lot of the tips within your everyday life, at home and in the workplace.

My Top Tips for Holistic Living cover the following:

* What is Holistic Living?
* Alternative and Complementary Therapies
* Positive Thinking - Will this change my life?
* What is meditation and how does it work?
* Working Environment & Home Life
* Your Posture - Helping Back, Neck & Shoulder Pain
* Diet & Nutrition
* Fitness & Exercise
* What is stress?
* The Bigger Picture - Putting it all together

These topics will be spread out over this month. If you would like further information take a look at the ASA Therapies website or please don't hesitate to contact me via email.

Top Tips

What is Holistic Living?

The term Holistic is widely used within a range of business sectors, from massage therapy, diet and nutrition through to IT companies and solicitors. Holistic means emphasising on the whole rather than the individual parts.

So, what is Holistic living?

This is when the mind, body and soul all work in harmony allowing us to live a fulfilled and healthy life. The main prerogative of holistic living is to eliminate stress as much as possible. The way we think, the choices we make in life, the food we eat, and how much we exercise all play a key part.additional hints tantric london

Tips for holistic living...

· Try to maintain a balance diet i.e. calories, carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals

· Regular exercise. Can include walking the dog, visiting the gym, weight training at home, Yoga, Thai Chi etc.

· Mental well being. Try to keep a positive outlook on life, whether it's your career, income level, the car you drive, the house you live in, the relationship with your partner, whatever it may be.

· Other factors to consider in holistic living includes the way we travel, social circles, environmental (going green), massage treatments, counselling and meditation
The other sections in my Top Tips go into more detail about some of the items listed above.

Alternative and Complementary Therapies

Over the last 10-15 years alternative and complementary therapies have become more available. A lot of this is due to positive effects they have on people and therefore more and more people have been trying it.

What is the difference between alternative and complementary therapies?

Alternative therapies are those which can be used to resolve / cure ailments instead of using conventional medicines or treatments that are offered by your GP or the NHS.
Some of the ailments could include muscular aches / pains, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, irritable bowl syndrome, insomnia, and also stress & tension which could be a result of any of the above. There are other ailments that can also be treated
Complementary therapies are treatments outside the scope of conventional remedies that can be used alongside standard treatments. These can help with the ailments listed in the alternative therapies section as well as others. These can be recovering from an operation, helping with breached babies, inducing labour, and also helping with emotional issues when dealing with cancer. The list is endless.

Some of the most popular therapies available are Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Indian Head Massage and Reiki.

The history and benefits of those mentioned are detailed below.

What is Aromatherapy?

The word Aromatherapy is derived from two words: 'Aroma' meaning fragrance and 'Therapy' meaning treatment.

Aromatherapy is described as being the use of flower, plant and essential oils for personal well being in the form of healing, relaxation and energising. Treatments can be varied from full body massages to part body (e.g. back/neck massage, legs only etc). Essential oils can also be used in candle burners, or in the bath.

What are the Benefits of Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy can be used by most people and some of the key benefits include:

· Relaxation
· Energy Boost
· Stress relief (physical and mental)
· Poor Skin Condition
· Circulatory Problems
· Lymphatic Drainage
· Muscle Aches
· Concentration


What is Reflexology?
Reflexology is a massage technique used on the feet, the hands and on the ears. By applying pressure on specific reflex points on these parts of the body stimulates other organs of the body. The most effective treatment is from using the reflex points on the feet.
What are the Benefits of Reflexology?

Reflexology can be used by most people and some of the key benefits include:
· Relaxation
· Stress relief (physical and mental)
· Sciatica
· Digestive Problems
· Circulatory Problems
· Insomnia

Indian Head Massage

What is Indian Head Massage?
Indian Head Massage is a massage technique based on old Ayurvedic practices involving the upper back, shoulders, neck, scalp and face. Treatments can be provided over the cloths or by using essential oils directly on the skin.
What are the Benefits of Indian Head Massage?

Indian Head Massage can be used by most people and some of the key benefits include:
· General feeling of wellbeing, calmness and relaxation
· Improvement of circulatory and lymphatic systems
· Migraines
· Stress relief (physical and mental)
· Sinusitis
· Eye Strain
· Promote Hair Growth
· Shoulder/Neck Pain


What is Reiki?

Pronounced 'Ray-Key', it is a Japanese technique used to relieve stress and for relaxation founded by Dr. Mikao Usui. Reiki is applied using the hands but it is a non-invasive therapy and does not involve any removal of clothing or actual bodily contact.
It is a spiritual therapy using natural unseen energy. There are unseen Chakras' situated around the body which relate to specific areas and organs. By using spiritual therapy on these Chakras, they balance the energy and the mechanics of your body. Reiki can also be given from a distance, i.e. if you are in another street, town or even country, Reiki treatments can be given.
What are the Benefits of Reiki?

Reiki can be used by everyone and some of the key benefits include:

· Revitalise you mind, body and spirit
· Relaxation
· Stress relief (physical and mental)
· General Pain
· Concentration
· Emotional problems
Other alternative therapies and complementary therapies available are:
Acupressure (Shiatsu)
Ayurvedic Medicine
Bowen Technique
Crystal Therapy
Colour Therapy
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
Herbal Medicine
Music Therapy
Oxygen Therapy
Spiritual Counselling
Tai Chi

And many more...

To learn about any of these therapies and more then a good website to visit would be and click on Alternative & Complementary Therapies on the left hand side.
Tips for alternative & complementary therapies:

· It is important to understand which one is best in aiding the ailments / symptoms you may have. Speaking to an experienced practitioner is the best thing you can do.
· Choosing the right therapist is just as important as using the right treatment. If you find it difficult to build a relationship with your therapist then it is best to be open with them and ask for a recommendation. Any good therapist will be obliged to help you.
· Using alternative therapies or complementary therapies on a regular basis could help you to live a happier, healthier & balanced life.
· You don't have to have any ailments or problems to use these therapies, they can complement your already stable lifestyle
Don't forget to look out for my other articles relating to holistic therapy starting with benefits of positive thinking.
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