It's Her Choice
"It's a Baby Girl" an exhilarated father screams but with passing time the exhilaration turns into a fear because 'It's a girl'. He is dreaded that her discovery about herself might put her life in peril as predators stand at the vantage point. I as a brother always felt that just because our society is patriarchal why she needs to lead life in silence, oblivion or time limitations. why she doesn't have a choice to see what she wants to see, do what she wants to do, wear what she wants to wear, speak her opinions just because there are prying/roving eyes that are on the lookout for her. Through these photos, shot in silhouette, I want to bring forth the beauty, the innocence and the peace she can spread,
if and only if, she given the choice with no fear, no hesitation, no limitation and no inhibitions.

It's Her Choice to Step Ahead and Make a Mark
Education, the basic means to explore the world, the world she is going to face in the future. It's her choice to pursue it in the field she sees herself, don't deprive her from it. 

Educate a girl, she is going to educate a clan.

It's Her Choice to Toy with an Idea
She is soft but not weak, she is strong yet deserves love, she might giggle on the drop of a hat but she is intelligent enough to change the world. Let her be unconventional, let her see what a man can/cannot see. Don't stop her, don't be judgemental, let her make a choice to sell a bra or tech. If she can set a menu for her family, she surely knows what it takes to create a movement.

It's Her Choice to Opine
Her opinions are not sissy just because she is a blonde girl, blonde is her colour and opinions are her attitude, mind you; exclusive they are. She has the choice to opine even if that takes the conventions on another tangent.

Embrace her opinions and see how easy it is to be in love.

It's Her Choice to Nibble or Gobble
It's her body, her habit, her right, her choice to have a piece of bread or a hunk. Don't dare to shame her for the way she eats or what she eats. It is her body, and she definitely knows how to take care of it, you either love her or lover her more. It is not for you to devour. 

Her body is a gift, she treasures it and you respect it.

It's Her Choice to have a Belief or Not
You can be her god if you shower love and care, you can win her trust but make sure don't be on the other side because if there is a god, there is a goddess. Destruction follows! 

She promise you Garden of Eden but ruin her faith and watch her smile while you are bleeding.

It's Her Choice to Follow Her Passion
She can take care of herself, she knows what she wants, she is ahead of her times, so, let her make a choice. She can wound with her eyes, she can kill you with a smile; after all she is a woman. 

She can resurrect you to life with love and slay you if she is hurt.

It's Her Choice - Have Fun
Don't define the ways she can rejuvenate, unwind, don't decide what she will wear even when she just wants to let loose. She can make a choice to dance, groove, sing, drink, smoke, or copulate. She too works hard instead harder because of the glass ceiling, therefore, having fun is more of her right. 

Boys Have Fun! Girls Deserves and Do Have 'More' Fun.

It's Her Choice
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It's Her Choice

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