Girls Can't Be Cadets

Final Major Project

My final major project was to create an advertising campaign to try and get young girls to see past the embarrassment of the air cadet uniform, to see beyond the stigma that its just for boys and ultimately get more girls to join the RAF Air Cadets.
Campaign Logo and Logo Variant for use on complicated backgrounds.
Portrait Orientated Posters for use on school notice boards, in cinemas, on walls in shopping centres and cinemas etc.
Landscape Orientated Posters for use on billboards.
Magazine Front Cover and Magazine Mock-up
Firefly Magazine Spreads - This magazine is designed for use as an informative leaflet but is designed in this way to appear glamorous to the teenage girls and to attract them to joining the cadets.
Magazine Freebie to be used for the cam cream competition page, which is then used to form the social media campaign.
TV Advert for use on teenage channels and on Youtube. The Audio can be used for Spotify and Radio Adverts
Advertising Stunt and Website add-on page in three formats
Girls Can't Be Cadets

Girls Can't Be Cadets
