The forms and lines of the architecture and objects around us play a much larger role in our lives than we think.
Rounded and bent lines positively affect our psyche, allow us to achieve inner harmony.
Harmony in the environment is one of the most important aspects in architecture and urban culture.
The line accelerates momentum and continues to make sense.
Every day we see the birth of a new energy.
Despite the fact that contour forms seem very complex, they are perceived easily and end with a holistic form.

It's all about the lines. They live in the context of architectural objects. Lines create dynamics for the architecture, lines generate energy. Lines can run in parallel and never intersect, it happens that the lines intersect creating intersection points or nodes. These nodes are the basis of strength and they are very similar to fate. People also meet and intersect, they create projects and concepts. These people create by adding energy into a single stream - synergy. Lines and directions connect talents and characters, influence the future and create space.
Architecture III

Architecture III
