Handset and letterpress printed edition of four "Temple" compositions.
Set in: Arboret, Granjon Arabesque, Monoblox, Monotype Border №№(367, 497, 648, 1331B), Cleland Garamond №№(G-1, G-7, G-46, G-1054), 12pt Futura, 24pt Jefferson Gothic, some additional unidentified borders and cuts.
Black oil-based ink (Ink-in-Tubes Guy) on white cotton rag (Crane Lettra), hand-printed on a tabletop 5x8 Kelsey Press. Done as a tribute to type compositions of Albert Schiller, Bruce Rogers, Simon Loxley and other 19th and early 20th century designers and printers.
"Temple" Prints


"Temple" Prints

