Profil appartenant à Bonni Reid

• Strange Voyage

8 × 10″
Acrylic on Hardboard
“The Blue Flame"
8 × 10″
Casein and Oil on Hardboard
7.5 × 15″
Casein and Oil on Hardboard

“The Emigrants”
12 × 16″
Oil on Hardboard
“Let Them Fly Loose”
16 × 12″
Casein on Hardboard
14 × 11″
Casein on Hardboard
“The Ramblers”
8 × 10″
Casein on Hardboard
“To Be Taken Seriously”
9 × 12″
Casein on Hardboard
Artist’s Statement – “A Strange Voyage”
It’s the journey, not the destination, the unknown, not the certain. In this series my starting point is the concept of travel, both literal and metaphorical, about the many facets and interpretations of the idea of The Voyage. Taking a fanciful approach, some of the mental threads I am pulling together to explore the theme are the smaller quests one must endure in order to evolve, to overcome obstacles, to take detours, all in the course of the larger journey. At any point in time, people have always found a means to escape, some towards the future, others drawn to the past, and some to another world that only exists in one’s imagination. I like to think of it as a strange voyage, and although we know the destination, perhaps this journey never ends.
• Strange Voyage
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• Strange Voyage

Distinction Gallery -Solo Show 2009

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