92Y Website
Designed and concepted the interactive frame work and the look for the re-design of the 92Y’s main website. I interfaced with a team of programmers and copy editors to brainstorm and develop ideas for how best to modernize and clarify the user experience. The final look applies a responsive design technique to work across multiple devices.
Click on the video to preview.
The animation above illustrates how the site opperates and how all of the JQuery features interact while the viewer navigates through the site. Uses a sticky header to maintain the branding and nav throughout, plus a sticky sub-header that locks into the main header and a chaptering sidebar that scrolls to different locations on the page.
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92Y Website

92Y Website

Designed and concepted the interactive frame work and the look for the 92Y's main website. I interfaced with a team of programmers and copy edito Read More
