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Community Feeder Kiosk

Community feeder kiosk
A food kiosk facility designed for community feeding at reasonably low price.
We live in a time of overabundant food production, but despite this, millions of people in India go hungry every day. In particular, the recent and continuing phenomenon of rising food prices has resulted in a considerable section of the urban population facing serious food insecurity even as the urban economy grows rapidly.
In a bid to tackle the chronic hunger of India’s poor, in the recent years, more and more non-governmental organisations have been rolling out ‘soup kitchens’ for the poor. Usually running alongside a government initiative, soup kitchens are meal centers where food is offered to the hungry for free or at a reasonably low price.But this setup is designed to create a visual appeal to cater all classes and masses.
Layout of kiosk
Detailed Top View
Top view  + 3 side sections
Top View and 3 Side Views
KIOSK FACADE- Various options for outer design 
Aluminium Composite panels for outer finishing of the kiosk
Reference images for our design
Community Feeder Kiosk

Community Feeder Kiosk

A food kiosk facility designed for community feeding at reasonably low price. We live in a time of overabundant food production, but despite this Läs mer
