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Star Manor Board Game

My final project in my school was a board game based on the novels of the Hungarian writer, Ervin Lázár.
I wanted to give a fresh, contemporary look to the characters and the environments, which children can relate to.
The game structure was my task as well. The aim of the game is to get to the Star Manor from the City, through many scenes and adventures from the novels. The game is divided into four locations: the City, the Market, the Circus and the Forest. It's mostly based on pulling cards which give direction to the next steps, so the game is more exciting and quite random.
Every character has a personality, and they have to collect good features such as braveness, cleverness, wisdom in order to escape from the antagonist - a monster built of waste, representing fear and sadness - who chases them.
The logo
The game
The characters
Mikkamakka, the cat-like creature, who knows everything and helps the other characters.
Ló Szerafin, the blue horse, who is the fastest in running, but yet the most humble of the creatures.
Nagy Zoárd, a pine tree who is able to walk. I gave him a hippy-like look and some scar tattooes.
The old, ex-circus worker, a bit arrogant lion, Bruckner Szigfrid.
Vacskamati, another cat-like, a little wild creature.
Szörnyeteg Lajos (Monster Luis), the biggest guy with the biggest heart.
Dömdödöm, who doesn't want to say anything except "dömdödöm" (which actually doesn't have a meaning), and he's the most righteous of all.
Aromo, the cleverest one.
Maminti, a tiny green forest fairy.
The White Tiger, symbol of endless power, both in good and bad sense.
Kisfejű Nagyfejű Zordonbordon, the antagonist, who symbolises sadness and fear, and tries to catch the other characters.
The Seven-headed Fairy
The board
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Star Manor Board Game
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Star Manor Board Game

My final project in my school was a board game based on the novels of the Hungarian writer, Ervin Lázár. I wanted to give a fresh, contemporary l Lire la suite

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