Profil Dr. Maureen Muoneke

Improving Maternal Health Care in Nigeria

Throughout her career, OB/GYN Dr. Maureen Muoneke has worked to increase access to high-quality health care in West Africa. Dr. Maureen Muoneke has participated in numerous medical mission trips to Nigeria to improve the healthcare infrastructure, especially for maternal and prenatal health.

Women giving birth in Nigeria face a significantly higher risk of complications or mortality than women living in developed nations. Women in rural areas are more likely to experience adverse outcomes due to a lack of prenatal care or standard quality healthcare facilities. There are also cultural norms in some regions that prefer home births and limited professional support during delivery.

To improve outcomes for Nigerian women and their newborns, the health care system must provide culturally-appropriate and accessible services. These issues are being addressed through multiple approaches, including training local midwives to provide prenatal care and support during delivery, building more health centers in rural areas, and training maternity care staff to communicate with patients compassionately.
Improving Maternal Health Care in Nigeria

Improving Maternal Health Care in Nigeria


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