The self supporting book

What if your book shelf was a book? 

This is a project that combines 3 different ideas to form one cohesive product. A ‘curated’ menu of poems by Robert Frost with continuous illustrations reflecting an exposed ‘wallpaper scroll’ that ultimately forms a decorative book shelf for your desk.  

How it works

Layout all the slides in the oder of the number mentioned at the top. Following the order inter-lock the slides together and press until all the grooves fit into each other. Slide 2 fits into 1, 3 fits into 2 and so on. Make sure to choose one side (illustrated or poems) and follow that face while assembeling the shelf. Once fully assembelled, place it on a surface and use it as your book shelf. Choose the visual by flipping the structure upside down and changing the look.

The self supporting book

The self supporting book

Combining three concepts as an attempt to redefine the book as we know it.
